Guiding Principles
Yellow Beacon operates within a set of guiding principles, underpinned by the 4-R’s, which ensures the services and organisation:

Realises the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery.

Recognises the signs and symptoms of trauma in clients, families, staff, and others involved in the system.

Responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures, and practices.

Seeks to actively resist Re-traumatisation.

The six guiding principles of a trauma informed approach, as originally defined by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) are embedded within the organisational system of Yellow Beacon and the services provided. These have now also been adopted by the UK Government.

Physical and psychological safety is a high priority within the organisation, for both people accessing our services and the staff working within it. We acknowledge the importance of the creation of safety in our interpersonal interactions, as a strong foundation from which to build trust and prevent re-traumatisation.

Trustworthiness & Transparency
Yellow Beacon is clear about the scope of the services we provide, recognises when our services may not be the most appropriate for people, and ensures we have clear referral pathways for anyone attending our services who requires alternative support.

Peer Support
The organisation is lived-experience led and recognises the importance of peer support. We do this by utilising our own experiences to model what we offer to others, enabling us to build trust, establish a sense of safety, and promote wellbeing. We also promote the use of any adaptations that may be required, either in ways of working, or the ways in which people access services.

Yellow Beacon recognises the importance of the potential impact of every interaction on those engaging with us. We value collaboration with our beneficiaries to understand the types of services that will meet their needs and how we can best support this. We collaborate with staff and other professionals offering a trauma-informed approach who share an understanding, recognition and embodiment of this work.

Choice & Empowerment
We actively empower people to have choice and agency over their own experiences and decisions. Staff are seen as facilitators rather than experts, and people accessing our services are encouraged and supported to find what works for them on their individual journey. We recognise the ways in which people may not have been able to share their voice or have their voice heard in the past and hold space for this in the present.

Cultural Consideration
The organisation recognises a person’s societal, historical, and cultural experiences, including biases and stereotypes. We recognise the historical and inter-generational impact of trauma and how our individual and collective experiences are impactful for all of us in different ways.
Contact us to book a free 45-minute consultation to find out more and help you decide if this is right for you.
We are able to offer this service UK-wide.